RBLP Leadership Certifications
99% of people earning our leadership certifications recommend us.
89% say it will lead to better compensation and career longevity.
96% say it will increase professional trust from employers and the public.
97% have greater confidence in their professional abilities.
97% say it will lead to improved opportunities for employability and advancement.
90% say it will increase their autonomy in the workplace.
93% say it will increase recognition by peers and respect of colleagues.
RBLP is the only nationally recognized series of leadership certifications. Our tiered certification program allows frontline, experienced, and senior managers to validate all of the leadership knowledge, skills, and experience they have gained getting the work done in their organizations.
RBLP leadership certifications have significant college credit recommendations from the American Council on Education (ACE).
Our certifications are listed on the U.S. Department of Labor CareerOneStop site as a workforce development resource for employees and employers. The U.S. Department of Defense credentialing programs and the GI Bill fund our certifications for military personnel and veterans.
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