Do the U.S. Military COOL/CA programs pay for RBLP Leadership Certifications?
Does the Army pay for RBLP Leadership Certifications?
Yes! – The Army COOL/CA program funds RBLP, RBLP Coach, and RBLP Trainer certification exam fees. The Army also pays for the exam prep courses. Visit Army COOL/CA to learn more about Active, Reserve, and National Guard eligibility and how to proceed with a funding request.
Our understanding is that Army enlisted, warrant officers, and some civilians employees are eligible for funding. Army units can pay for exam prep training and certification exams with unit funding (SF182).
Contact our Army approved training partners (listed on Army CA site) to get required price quotes for an exam prep course and certification exam voucher.
If your exam prep training was funded separately by Army CA, you can get a quote for the certification exam only at this link.
Does the Air Force pay for RBLP Leadership Certifications?
Yes! – The Air Force COOL program funds RBLP, RBLP Coach, and RBLP Trainer certification exam fees. The Air Force also pays for the exam prep courses. Visit Air Force COOL to learn more about Active, Reserve, and Air National Guard eligibility and how to proceed with a funding request.
Our understanding is that Air Force enlisted and some civilian employees are eligible for funding. Air Force units can pay for exam prep training and certification exams with unit funding (SF182).
Contact our Air Force approved training partners (listed on Air Force CA site) to get required price quotes for an exam prep course with certification exam voucher.
If your exam prep training was funded separately by Air Force CA, you can get a quote for the certification exam only at this link.
Does the Coast Guard pay for RBLP Leadership Certifications?
Yes! – The Coast Guard COOL program funds RBLP, RBLP Coach, and RBLP Trainer certification exam fees. The Coast Guard also pays for the exam prep courses. Visit Coast Guard COOL to learn more about Active and Reserve eligibility and how to proceed with a funding request.
Our understanding is that Coast Guard enlisted, officers, and some civilian employees are eligible for COOL funding. Coast Guard units can pay for exam prep training and certification exams with unit funding (SF182).
Does the Marine Corps pay for RBLP Leadership Certifications?
Yes! – The Marine Corps COOL program funds RBLP, RBLP Coach, and RBLP Trainer certification exam fees. Unfortunately, the Marine Corps doesn’t pay for exam prep courses. Visit Marine Corps COOL to learn more about Active and Reserve eligibility and how to proceed with a funding request.
Our understanding is that Marine Corps enlisted and some civilian employees are eligible for COOL funding. Marine Corps units can pay for exam prep training and certification exams with unit funding (SF182).
Does the Navy pay for RBLP Leadership Certifications?
No. The Navy is the only service that does not pay for our leadership certification exams. Our understanding is that some Navy civilian employees are eligible for COOL funding. Navy units can pay for exam prep training and certification exams with unit funding (SF182).
How does the military rank structure correlate to the RBLP, RBLP Coach, and RBLP Trainer levels of certification?
In general, we recommend the following. Keep in mind that some military personnel serve in billets above their paygrade or are eligible/selected for the next paygrade. Reserve and Guard personnel can use the recommendations below or apply for the level of certification applicable to their civilian employment.
RBLP certification
For Frontline Managers and military personnel serving in paygrades E5-E6.
RBLP Coach certification
For Experienced Managers and military personnel serving in paygrades E7-E8, W1-W3, O1-O3.
RBLP Trainer certification
For Senior Managers and military personnel serving in paygrades E8-E9, W3-W5, O3-O6.
RBLP is the only nationally recognized series of leadership certifications. Our tiered certification program allows frontline, experienced, and senior managers to validate all of the leadership knowledge, skills, and experience they have gained getting the work done in their organizations.
RBLP leadership certifications have significant college credit recommendations from the American Council on Education (ACE).
Our certifications are listed on the U.S. Department of Labor CareerOneStop site as a workforce development resource for employees and employers. The U.S. Department of Defense credentialing programs and the GI Bill fund our certifications for military personnel and veterans.
Prove what you know. Get certified!
Can my military unit pay for training and exams using SF-182 and GPCC?
Yes! – Military units can pay for the RBLP Leadership Certifications and exam prep training using Standard Form 182 (Request, Authorization, Agreement, and Certification for Training) and the Government Purchase Charge Card (GPCC).
Each agency of the U.S. Federal Government publishes its own guidance on using SF-182 and GPCC. Most state and local agencies and departments have a similar process and forms.